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Articles for 2021

How Serious Do you Take Your Privacy?
Written by Bout Time Software
Created / Updated on Thursday 18th of March 2021
Many people seem completely ignorant about their own data privacy. They not only actively share it with websites such as Facebook and other social media, but they are also inadvertently share it because of what they either allow on their computer, or simply don't understand and are oblivious to. Hopefully this article will help highlight a couple of overlooked concerns. Social Media - Facebook Everyone should know by now that content you add to Facebook will be sold by Facebook, especially y .....
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Take Notice of how Sites you use Manage Your Data
Written by Bout Time Software
Created / Updated on Thursday 18th of March 2021
With the discussions going on at the moment about Facebook and Google utilizing news for free and the Australian Government now looking to make them pay for the content, this should be a wake up call for anyone that uses these so called "Free" platforms to display and manage their own content.

Anyone that is paying attention to the articles about this issue should really take notice in the way that Facebook operate. Their current stand was to just block or remove all content from all .....
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Latest 5 Articles

Thursday 18th of March 2021
Take Notice of how Sites you use Manage Your Data
How Serious Do you Take Your Privacy?

Monday 17th of December 2018
Do you monitor your Website Traffic

Friday 6th of July 2018
Is your mailbox always close to full

Friday 10th of February 2017
New Release of our Portfolio Manager

Top 5 Articles

Sunday 13th of October 2013
New Features for our Applications

Friday 5th of November 2010
News Manager Version 2 Now Available

Sunday 19th of September 2010
Featured Website Doug Kwok Art

Friday 25th of April 2014
New Application Available - Manage your Own Email Accounts

Wednesday 20th of November 2013
Product Manager New Feature - Product Labels

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