Our Booking Manager allows you to accept online bookings quickly and easily. The customers can simply click on the calendar, which day they wish to book From and To. Then fill in the rest of the form and click submit.
The Calendar will show which days are available and which days have bookings that are pending. A pending booking is a booking that has been submitted but has not yet been confirmed. The confirmation process can vary between business's, but in general a confirmed booking would be one where you have received a down payment or deposit.
You can also display numerous units or items that can be booked all on the one page, and can include descriptions and pictures for each item too.
More information, pictures and a demonstration of this application will be available soon.
If you enter multiple key words (separated by a space) then you can use the All, Any and As Phrase ti indicate if All the words, Any of the words should be found, or if you wish to locate exact match (as phrase).
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