If you have numerous file that you wish to make available for download from your website, then it can become a bit of a headache trying to manage them all.
Our File Manager is one solution to this problem. You can manage each file individually, make it available or unavailable for download at any time (without having to delete it) and you can group similar files together, by assigning them to Categories and Sub Categories.
You can also regulate just how many files each person can download at any one time, and at what speed their download with operate at.
One other major benefit is you can choose to provide alternative file types for each file. For example you have a document you wish to make available for download. You could upload a Spreadsheet version (.XLS) and a PDF version of the same file. That way your website visitors can choose which format they wish to download. You are not locked into only using just one format, or indeed just one copy of each file.
Another example is you could upload a JPG, GIF and PNG copy of the same picture.
The File Manager includes a Display Files application which your website visitors can use to search and sort through the available files. It can also keep track of how many times each file has been downloaded. You can also check to see just how many times the file was started to be downloaded, and then canceled (aborted).
Downloading large files from a website may cause problems for people on wireless connections if it is interrupted. Our File Manager supports Resume, even if the server your website is being hosted on does not! This means that if someone is downloading using a download manager and they stop the download or it is aborted, they can always resume the download. If you are using your web browser to download the file, then it will be up to what the web browser supports. If it supports pause download (such as Fire Fox), then our File Manager will allow the browser to resume the download.
Being able to resume an aborted or canceled download will certainly help alleviate frustration for your website visitors.
Visit our Demonstration Page for the File Manager to see it in operation or for more information visit This Link.
If you enter multiple key words (separated by a space) then you can use the All, Any and As Phrase ti indicate if All the words, Any of the words should be found, or if you wish to locate exact match (as phrase).
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